Saturday 25 October 2008

WWE: Not Good Enough

Watching RAW & Smackdown weekly, I find they are no longer strong enough, they could find themselves losing out if something isn't done to improve it soon.
Take examples.
Another Haas impression, wasting JBL. It was obvious it was JBL as it was last week, I'm not saying I don't find the whole Haas thing funny, but wasting JBL on this, JBL being 1 of the best talkers I can remember in a long time, is pointless.
A pointless diva match, Jericho segment where Adamle gets involved, its not good enough right now. 

Divas tag matches make me sick, constant tag matches, normally ending similarly disapoint me, I sometimes struggle to see why we have a Womens champions, but no longer a Cruiserweight one. The womens championship is wasted with women who can't even wrestle, like Candice, and Kelly, who was yet again carried by Jillian and won.

If I was Jillian I'd be asking for my resignation, and seeing if TNA wanted another female wrestler who doesn't have to job to the likes of Kelly Kelly, and sing constantly.

Mike Adamle has yet to entertain me really, he's not remotly as great as Bischoff, Regal or even Coachman (rather embarrasingly) is he supposed to be a heel now? If so he's a lousy one.

And Smackdown, well pulling out a match like Taker v Triple H for the benefit of a new network, what can I say? They wasted it.

Rivalries like Kozlov v Triple H v Jeff Hardy disapoint me, Kozlov coming out like that weekly, and kicking the crap out of Triple H & Jeff Hardy, and ultimately feuding for the WWE championship as his first rivalry, sums up the poor standard in a nutshell.

Kozlov could be a good wrestler, could be, but lets face it, the way he has been used is disgusting. Remember Umaga? He was used rightly, he had actual rivalries (as well as the odd bit of jobbing. The "Kozlov system" of having them job, until the supposedly become eligible WWE contenders, is disgusting, really disgusting.

JAINZ! is out my friends.

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